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  • Auto Dealer Operations

    Garage operations are businesses that have hybrid coverage need. With such businesses, the lines between the general liability for the operations and the automobile liability exposures blur and overlap. A general liability policy does not provide enough coverage and a commercial auto policy provides too much. Fortunately there is a way to properly handle this need. The Auto Dealers Coverage Form contains premises liability, products liability, automobile liability and automobile physical damage coverage. Operations that should be protected by this policy include the following:

  • Non-Owned Auto Coverage

    Employees routinely use their own vehicles in their jobs or just to run errands for their employer. Does your company have protection in case of an accident and both your worker and your company are sued? If your company has a business auto policy, it should include coverage for ‘non-owned’ automobiles. These are vehicles owned by others (such as an employee) that are used in the business of the company. Generally a business auto policy only protects against losses involving company-owned vehicles, so it is important to add "non-owned" coverage.

  • Commercial Auto Symbols

    Have you ever, during a particularly wild moment, closely examined the insurance policy that covers your business vehicles? If so, you may have noticed the little numbers that appear next to each listed coverage. Hopefully you’re familiar with these numbers and their meaning. If not, please see below.

  • Dangerous Workplace

    The only way that the vast majority of us provides for our needs for food, shelter, comfort and health is through having a steady, well-paying job. Yes, at various levels of satisfaction and pay, most of us spend many hours at jobs. Most of us can take it for granted that we can work in a safe environment. However, there are many occupations that are dangerous. Further, even while working in safer jobs, accidents occur. Sadly and often, accidents can be serious enough to alter or even end lives.

  • Takaful Insurance

    As it is in Western Culture, insurance coverage in the non-western world has roots in its cultural and economic history. That is certainly the case with takaful insurance which, in various forms, is used in a number of countries that follow Islamic (or Shari’ah) law.

  • Insurance Surveys

    Life consists of actions….activities, in both one’s personal and business worlds. Making products, selling goods, owning property, transporting goods, storing property; regardless the type of activities, they all create the possibility of losses.

    Insurance is one of the ways to handle the, often, serious financial consequences of losses. However, it’s ineffective unless it is the right insurance. Depending upon your circumstances, it may be difficult to be confident that you have identified your exposures to loss accurately enough to select the insurance you need.

  • Wondering About Wind

    Wind is the weather engine of the world. As is the case with other elements of nature, man’s relationship with it can be perilous. Storms always bring the threat of injury and damage to property. For persons in the path of storms, the more information they receive, the better. We make increasing use of technology to improve how far in advance we can predict and track storms. Recently there have been advancements in assessing the level of threat presented by winter storms.